Monday, March 30, 2009

Keeping Tabs on the Agenda

We need to talk about pork again. I recently went out to eat at a Thai restaurant, and I was delighted to find that there were no pork items available on the menu. The food was excellent, by the way; and I digress. My point is that it was a rare and unexpected treat.

Why would this particular business decide to omit pork from the menu, and include unpopular dishes such as duck? Look at other popular Oriental cuisines and you will find swine throughout: Japanese Yaki-dori (Skewered pork. Careful - it looks like chicken!), Vietnamese Pork Balls (yech!), to the dreaded Korean Pork-bone soup. I imagine that pork-bone soup tastes as good as it sounds. Delish!

I dug around a little bit, but my search for a Thai anti-pork movement yielded points to the contrary. Apparently, there is a movement to increase the amount of pork consumed by Thai's.

I know, I know. I was disturbed that somebody would use "thepigsite" as a domain name too. Let's focus and try to just stay on topic.

The article divulges the story of an individual by the name of Mr. Surachai Suttitham and his dastardly scheme to increase the amount of pork Thai's eat. Here are a few quotables that set off red flags in my head.

"He said that the department will issue various menus that have pork as an
ingredient. He added that the benefit of consuming pork will be shown on the
menus so people would be enticed to try those dishes."

"Mr. Surachai said that the domestic swine consumption is less than the expected target. Therefore, his association is cooperating with the Livestock Department to stimulate the consumption from 13.9 kg per person per year to 15 kg per person annually."

Mr. Surachai seems like kind of an asshole. I'm willing to bet he's not only the president of the swineraisers association - he's also a client. 15 kg's of pork is a whole lot of nasty. It strikes me as odd that this number would come up as "the expected target". The pork agenda has its hoof in many pies, but if pigmeat starts showing up at 0ne of my favourite restaurants I'm coming for you, Suttitham. And there will be no mercy.